Understanding the Different Types of Dental Fractures

Fractures are a common occurrence in the world of dentistry.  Fractures or cracks can occur at any age and can be very painful, hard to diagnose, yet sometimes easy to treat.  There are several types of fractures, that you may not have been aware of.

One type of crack is known as an oblique supragingival fracture.  This fracture is found above the gums, and normally happens when you bite down too hard on something.  Normally, this fracture doesn’t involve the nerve.  Once the fractured area of the tooth breaks off, the pain will go away.  Although the exposed dentin (part of the tooth under the enamel) may cause you some pain. To fix this, you should visit the dentist to have it repaired.  If the fracture is large, you may need to have a crown placed on the tooth to prevent further fractures from occurring in that tooth.

Another type of fracture exceeds way below the gum line and is known as an oblique subgingival fracture.  Once the fractured piece of tooth breaks off, it normally remains attached to the gums and cause result in terrible pain until you get it removed.  Once you have had the piece of tooth removed from the gums, the tooth will be similar to the supragingival fracture.  It normally doesn’t affect the nerves, but you may need to have a root canal to clean out the tooth before having a crown put on it.

Vertical apical root fractures are one of the most difficult to deal with. This fracture starts at the tip of the root and can cause you severe to intense pain, even if you’ve had the nerve removed with a root canal.  Even though the nerve may not be present, vertical apical root fractures cause a lot of pain, which occurs in the tooth.

Even though fractures are common and very painful, you should never put off going to the dentist.  Fractures can become more and more serious if you don’t try to get help. Your dentist will be able to diagnose the problem and fix it before it has the chance to get any worse.


Tooth Cavities and Extractions

 Tooth cavities are common in many children and adults and is caused by tooth decay. This condition can be sensitive and painful, and if left untreated can result in the loss of the tooth. To fully understand tooth cavities, it is important to learn what leads to tooth decay and how this can be prevented.

Tooth decay can take place in any of your teeth. The areas of the teeth that are usually susceptible to decay are the crown of the tooth or the gap between the teeth. The best way to avoid tooth decay and tooth cavities would be to ensure that proper dental hygiene is practiced.

Proper dental hygiene consists of brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing your teeth after meals to remove any piece’s food that may have gotten stuck between the teeth. Regular dental checkups are also important as there are certain areas of your teeth that are impossible to brush and with professional dental equipment, can be reached.

When your tooth starts to decay, it causes a cavity. A cavity is when your enamel starts to dissipate until the decay reaches the base which will affect the root canal. Symptoms you may have a cavity is having an abnormal tooth ache, and sensitivity to food and beverages and their temperatures.

It is possible for you to check the condition of your teeth to see if there are any tooth cavities that are noticeable to the eye. Tooth cavities present themselves as small brown spots at the crown of your teeth or can be seen between the gaps of your teeth. In the beginning, cavities are relatively painless which is why they usually go unnoticed. It is not until the tooth has decayed to the point of the root canal of the tooth when patients seek treatment. Once this occurs you are likely to experience severe pain. To avoid tooth cavities from reaching this stage, keep a close eye on the condition of your teeth and seek help from your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

If you have been diagnosed with tooth cavities, your dentist should be able to treat the problem effectively. The procedure is relatively painless depending on the amount of decay your tooth has reached. However, for more serious cases of tooth cavities an anesthetic can be used to ensure you feel little to no pain.

Do not hesitate to set an appointment with your dentist if you think you may be affected by a tooth cavity. It is easier to rectify a cavity at the beginning stages, before your tooth goes into serious decaying.

Understanding the LANAP® Treatment and Laser Gum Surgery

Laser gum surgery

A Gentler Way to Treat Gum Disease Using Laser Surgery

Periodontal disease may seem harmless at first but can quickly become serious and lead to tooth loss, infection and even more serious physical conditions such as heart disease or stroke. While traditional treatments for gum disease were successful, new laser surgery allows for faster treatment, minimal risks and less damage to the healthy tissue.

The Differences Between Laser and Traditional Surgery

Laser surgery, known as LANAP®, is done with no cutting, sutures or incisions. Instead, the laser is used to clean the gums and remove diseased tissue. Because the laser can pinpoint tiny spots where there is a disease, remaining healthy tissue is supported and preserved. Healing is faster with laser surgery.

With traditional treatment, it was necessary to cut the gum line down to decrease the depth of the pocket. Laser treatment allows for only the damaged tissue to be treated, with less recession in the gum line. This makes for a more natural appearance after treatment.

As with most surgeries, traditional surgery for gum treatment can be painful and uncomfortable. Because there are no sutures or cutting with laser surgery, pain is greatly decreased. After traditional surgery, patients usually require some rest and downtime and pain medication. With the laser treatment, the discomfort is minimal and rarely do patients require pain medication post-treatment. Most patients who undergo LANAP® return to their regular schedule and daily routine almost immediately.

Finally, LANAP® allows for more predictable results in regard to tissue attachment and bone regeneration. The root surface is stimulated by the laser and restores teeth that were previously determined to be hopeless. Functionality can be restored, and results show that laser treatment allows for better long-term results.

Contact Us Today

If you have gum disease and require treatment, don’t waste any more time risking your teeth. Call Cornerstone Periodontics & Implants, PLLC, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Wang today.